Public Health Nursing

Orders evidence-based methods in community/public health nursing. Power Point Presentation. Focus on the relationships between theory, evidence-based practice, and education as they relate to community health nursing in a global community by: a. Examining epidemiological concepts as they relate to global health. b. Justifying the nurse’s role as an educator, counselor, advocate and change agent in the community. c. Applying evidence-based principles relating to community health nursing. Power Point Outline • Topic. • Rationale for choosing the topic, and goals. • Five behavioral objectives. Cognitive, psychomotor & Affective domain. • What is Community Public Nursing? Definition and 2 examples. • Evidence Based-Practice Methods. Refer to previous objectives. • 4 EBP Examples • Literature Review • Conclusion. • References (at least 5-6 relevant and current evidence-based peer reviewed articles) Power point with hidden foot notes to be used for the presentation. APA style. Refer to: p/218. Textbook. And Chapter 11. p/267

ACME WRITERS References. —Must be cited as in text citations and included in references. • U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Healthy people 2020. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • CDC recommendations website. • And 3 other references you may find. They need to be .org, .edu, peer reviewed articles. • The 2 articles attached need to be included as references, and use in in text citations. • Short in text citations, please. —Reference page must include, but do not cite from this source. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and Community Health Nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780133859591. No plagiarism. Turnitin assignment. FYI: Why Are Educational and Community-Based Programs Important? Educational and community-based programs and strategies played an important role in reaching Healthy People 2010 objectives. Over the next several years, they will continue to contribute to the improvement of health outcomes in the United States. Educational and community-based programs and strategies are designed to reach people outside of traditional health care settings. These settings may include: • Schools • Worksites • Health care facilities • Communities Each setting provides opportunities to reach people using existing social structures. This maximizes impact and reduces the time and resources necessary for program development. People often have high levels of contact with these settings, both directly and indirectly. Programs that combine multiple—if not all 4—settings can have a greater impact than programs using only 1 setting. While populations reached will sometimes overlap, people who are not accessible in 1 setting may be in another. Using nontraditional settings can help encourage informal information sharing within communities through peer social interaction. Reaching out to people in different settings also allows for greater tailoring of health information and education. Educational and community-based programs encourage and enhance health and wellness by educating communities on topics such as: • Chronic diseases • Injury and violence prevention • Mental illness/behavioral health • Unintended pregnancy • Oral health • Tobacco use • Substance abuse • Nutrition • Physical activity • Obesity prevention

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