Applied Public Finance Paper Project

This assignment makes up 10% of your grade. Submit your assignments via, no hardcopy or e-mail attachments will be accepted. Find detailed submission instructions below.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you apply the concepts and tools we learned in class to peer-reviewed and published academic research in public economics.
You will find a published peer-reviewed article from one of the below listed sources. You will choose a topic & article and inform the instructor by November 19th at 8pm. You need to e-mail me the article link for approval latest by the deadline (November 19). Specifically, you will complete your assignment using a peer-review academic article that was published in one of the journals below (you must get my permission first). Please pick an article that was published in 2016 or later. You can access to these journals via TAMU-CC library web page.

⦁ Health Economics
⦁ Journal of Applied Econometrics
⦁ Applied Economics Letters
⦁ Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
⦁ Journal of Health Economics
⦁ Journal of Human Resources: education, manpower and welfare economics
⦁ Journal of Labor Economics
⦁ Journal of Political Economy
⦁ Journal of Public Economics
⦁ The American Economic Review
⦁ The Quarterly Journal of Economics
⦁ The Review of Economic Studies
⦁ The Review of Economics and Statistics

Paper project expectations and guidelines:
⦁ Once you pick the peer-reviewed articles, you are expected to write a 3 to 4 page report on the main findings of the article. What are the main results? Please use your own words. Which data sources does the paper use? Summarize the data source(s). Writing down the name of the database and years of data used is essential. What methods did the author(s) use? Even if you do not fully understand the methods, make an effort to have a basic understanding of econometric methodologies used. Feel free to cite other relevant resources that are related to the article you chose. The library remote access may be necessary if you plan on downloading the article off-campus.
A successful paper project will answer the following questions:
⦁ What is the primary research question(s) asked in the article?
⦁ How does this article relate to the topics we covered in this class?
⦁ Why would anybody care about it?
⦁ Why is (are) the question(s) important?
⦁ What is the methodology used in this article (statistical and econometric methods, be specific)?
⦁ Why does that methodology apply to the question at hand?
⦁ Go to and type in the name of the main article you are using. You will see the articles that cited your main article. Did any of the articles that cited your main article criticize any aspects of your article? If yes, what are those aspects? Discuss the implications of their criticisms.
⦁ Do you have any doubts about methods questions etc.?

⦁ Please write clearly as writing to fill out space can be detected very easily and it distracts the reader.

⦁ You are expected to submit a 3 to 4-page, double-spaced, Calibri (11 font) final report by the due date and the submissions must be via

⦁ Make sure that you discuss the article you have chosen clearly. Your grade will be determined by the level of clarity.

⦁ In-text references should include author(s) last names and year of the publication.
For example, Gevrek and Gevrek (2010) provide evidence that college students with entrepreneurial aspirations have, on average, lower college GPAs. All of the cited resources should be listed in the Bibliography section. Examples are as follows:
Journal Article:
Gevrek, Deniz and Z. Eylem Gevrek. 2010. “Nepotism, incentives and the academic success of college students,” Labour Economics, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 581-591.
Borjas, George J., Labor Economics, Sixth Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2013.
⦁ The writing of your paper project should reflect formal scientific writing. Try not to use pronoun “I” as much as possible. Instead of saying, “I think college students with entrepreneurial intentions may not exert high effort in their college classes” say something in the lines of “The results from Gevrek and Gevrek (2010) indicate that …..”

⦁ Plagiarism is an academic crime. The consequences are very costly. Avoid at all costs. Because your submission will be via, the likelihood that it will be detected is very high.

⦁ Insert page numbers; include your name and A-number on the left top part of the report. Include the full citation of the article you are discussion on the first page (see bibliography examples above).

Helpful Hint:
Writing in economics is commonly considered as TECHNICAL writing, meaning that you have to be accurate about the meaning of your writing in addition to grammar and contents.

Common mistakes that cause point deductions:
At least 2 point deduction applies to each violation of the above format requirements.
⦁ Missing discussion of the specific topic (5 points)
⦁ Inappropriate materials – not using an approved peer-reviewed journal article (6 points).
⦁ Quotations are not allowed (not necessary) and they will be included in the Matching Report: You are required to write a “summary” in your OWN words.
⦁ Writing length too short (1-4 points, 3 points for each page below requirement).
⦁ Missing citations (2 points for each missing citation).
⦁ Late submissions result in point deductions of 2 points for each day after the due date
⦁ Three or more grammatical, typos or other writing errors, or illogical sentences (2-6 points). You are recommended to seek tutorials before submitting your assignment (have someone read it once before you submit).

Assignment only accepted through Turnitin (see next page). I will not accept assignments via e-mail, hard copy etc.


Read on for details on submission details.
ECON 3320
Submission Instructions

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