Business Issues

Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Note: The audio PointeCast lessons that are required for citing in both posts are not to be confused with the PowerPoint summaries from the textbook. Also, remember that a major theme of these lessons is how the biblical idea of covenant can provide a solid foundation for organizational leadership and behavior. When you cite them, make sure you build upon that major theme and apply it to the ideas in your posts.
Thread: Choose one business issue such as work teams, decision-making, conflict, power, communication etc. from your own professional work experience or peer-reviewed journal articles. Apply a total of 2 different concepts (such as evidence based decision-making (EBDM), forms of conflict, political tactics in the organization, etc.) from Chapters 9–13 of the Kinicki & Fugate textbook to the issue you are discussing. Relate the chosen chapter concepts from your reading to the business issue in a way that demonstrates understanding of each concept. Review the Discussion Board Forums instructions document and grading rubric (found in the Assignment Instructions folder) for detailed assignment requirements. Each thread must be 500–750 words.
The following 4 sources must be included in your thread:
⦁ The textbook; Kinicki, A., & Fugate, M. (2018). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach plus Connect. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260180909.
⦁ At least 1 peer-reviewed journal article; Use the electronic databases provided by the Jerry Falwell Library and other sources, search for scholarly resource.
⦁ 1 passage of Scripture; and
⦁ At least 1 reference from the lesson presentation found in the corresponding modules/weeks in a manner that captures the essential ideas of those lessons.

Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Points Earned
Thread – Key Components 10 to 10 points
Consistently exceeds minimal expectations in all areas regarding content, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of topics, participation, timeliness, and writing style. 8 to 9 points
Demonstrates minor deficiencies in some areas regarding content, analysis, writing style, and/or participation. 1 to 7 points
Exhibits need for improvement in most areas regarding content, analysis, writing style, and/or participation. 0 points
No key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.
Thread – Major Point Support 10 to 10 points
Major points are supported by the following:
⦁ The business scenario is supported by all of the following:
⦁ In the thread, the business scenario is clearly defined, and 2 concepts from the textbook and other required readings are applied in a meaningful and relevant manner.
⦁ All 4 required sources are cited 2–3 times throughout the discussion posts. At least 1 peer-reviewed journal article is used.
⦁ No or few grammatical errors exist. Sources are cited in current APA format.
⦁ All resources are less than 5 years old. 8 to 9 points
Major points are supported by most of the following:
⦁ In the thread, the business scenario is sufficiently defined, and 2 concepts from the textbook and other required readings are applied in an adequate manner.
⦁ Each required source is cited at least once. Peer-reviewed journal articles are used.
⦁ Limited grammatical errors exist. Sources are cited in current APA format with some errors.
⦁ Most resources are less than 5 years old. 1 to 7 points
Major points are supported by some of the following:
⦁ Basic instructions and requirements for the assignment are only minimally followed.
⦁ In the thread, the business scenario is minimally defined, and 2 concepts from the textbook and other required readings are applied in a vague and indirect manner.
⦁ Each required source is cited at least once. Peer-reviewed journal articles are used.
⦁ Numerous grammatical errors exist. Sources are not correctly cited in current APA format.
⦁ Some resources are less than five years old.
0 points
Major points are supported by none of the following:
⦁ One or more of the required posts is not submitted.
⦁ Not all required sources are cited in current APA format; demonstrates limited use of outside research.
⦁ Submissions are plagiarized in significant ways.
⦁ The required length is not met.
Replies – Key Components 7 to 7 points
Contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) expounding on the thread. 6 to 6 points
Marginal contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) marginally expounding on the thread. 1 to 5 points
Minimal contribution (2 minimal or only 1 reply) made to discussion with each reply minimally expounding on the thread. 0 points
No contribution made to discussion.
Replies – Major Point Support 8 to 8 points
Major points are supported by all of the following:
⦁ The 2 replies provide a thoughtful response to the evaluation of the classmate. The replies build upon the ideas of the classmates’ threads and make new connections based upon additional research.
⦁ Integrated the assigned module/week’s required reading in a logical and relevant manner.
⦁ Contains at least 2 scholarly sources and citations in current APA format.
7 to 7 points
Major points are supported by most of the following:
⦁ The 2 replies address the content of the classmates’ threads and provide new ideas.
⦁ Contains at least 2 scholarly sources and citations in mostly APA format.
⦁ Somewhat integrated the assigned module/week’s required reading in a logical and relevant manner. 1 to 6 points
Major points are supported by some of the following:
⦁ The 2 replies only minimally address the concepts and ideas of the classmates’ threads.
⦁ Missing at least 1 scholarly source and citations not correctly cited in APA format. 0 points
Major points are supported by none of the following:
⦁ Replies do not include new ideas, research, or analysis.
⦁ Replies are missing citations from scholarly sources.
⦁ Scholarly resources are missing.

Criteria Levels of Achievement
Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Points Earned
Thread – Grammar/Spelling 5 to 5 points
Proper spelling and grammar are used. 4 to 4 points
Between 1–2 spelling and grammar errors are present. 1 to 3 points
Between 3–4 spelling and grammar errors are present. 0 points
More than 4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
Thread – Word Count 5 to 5 points
The thread is 500-700 words. 4 to 4 points
The thread is 400–499 words. 1 to 3 points
The thread is 300–399 words. 0 points
The thread is less than 299 words.
Replies – Grammar/
Spelling 2 to 2 points
Proper spelling and grammar are used. 1.5 to 1.5 points
Between 1–2 spelling and grammar errors are present. 1 to 1 points
Between 3–4 spelling and grammar errors are present. 0 points
More than 4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
Replies – Word Count 3 to 3 points
Each reply is 200-250 words. 2 to 2 points
Each reply is 100–199 words. 1 to 1 points
Each reply is 50–99 words. 0 points
Replies are missing or under 49 words.
Total /50
Instructor’s Comments:

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