Criminal Justice

Writing Assignment 150 points

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Throughout the course of the semester you’ve studied the model penal code, common law and Texas criminal law. There are obvious differences between the three. Your writing assignment is to research one crime that occurred outside of Texas and then determine, in accordance with Texas law, what the perpetrator should be charged with. The crime you select can be one incident with multiple offenses or a series of offenses over time. Be sure to identify all offenses that occurred in the original jurisdiction.

Your paper needs to include:

A brief narrative of the crime committed. Explain what happened, the relationship between the perpetrator(s) and victim(s); where when how and why the crime was committed. Make sure that this crime was committed some place other than Texas.
Compare Texas law with the model penal code and common law.
An explanation of how you would charge the perpetrator if this crime had been committed in Texas and if you were the prosecutor with authority to charge this crime. Include a summary of potential offenses and all possible charges. You need to explain your decision, making sure to tie the circumstances of your crime with the essential elements of the crime. As part of your explanation, explain why the crime does not fit the other types of crimes under Texas law.
APA in-text citations and reference page are required. You need a minimum of three sources.
NOTE: Assignments receiving a similarity rating greater than 45% in “Turnitin” WILL NOT be accepted. Students submitting assignments with similarity ratings greater than 45% will get one opportunity to revise and resubmit the written assignment. Ten points will be deducted for resubmissions after the deadline.
Late submissions for any reason will only be accepted up to one week after due date and 10% of grade will be deducted. Submissions received after one week past the due date will not be accepted.

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