Executive decision making

Read Chapter 9 and Appendix A and B of the Annotated Guide to the Contract Management Body of Knowledge.

Annotate two points of interest from your readings this week by Thursday of this week. Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least 3 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and can include direct questions.

Note: Please bear in mind throughout the course the “theoretical” position you hold within the organization is that of an Executive Program Manager as you make your recommendations.

Purpose of this assignment: Think of this assignment/discussion area as a means for us to discuss the concepts, principles, and real-world applications that pertain to this week’s materials. I am asking each of you what you thought were the two most important concepts that relate to how executive decision making is conducted for complex major military equipment developments.

To be successful in this discussion thread, you must define/describe the concepts that you found to be most interesting and/or applicable to a present or past work situation. You must then explain how you would use the concept(s) to make the organization identified more effective from an Executive Program Manager’s perspective. You must define it within the constructs of the course purpose, in particular, in the context of the learning objective for the week. Above all, you must explain the concept from a strategic perspective. In other words, your explanation should not focus on a single person, but as mission-critical information that would help make a Program Manager successful.

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