Preparing for Terrorism

Please write an esPlease write an essay about how to prepare for terrorism. Applying your knowledge to think about how to confront the possibilities of attacks such as the terrorist attack in Boston, Paris, Las Vegas, and other cities.

I will upload specific requirements for this paper in uploaded files. Please read carefully and closely follow the guidelines.

This assignment requires heavy reading and lots of research. I have very strict expectations for the quality of this paper. So if you would take this job, please spend time on it.

I understand that is a lot of work, so I will add extra funds (up to $200) if I am satisfied with the final paper.

I will upload some of the supportive readings that I have, and below are the links for other readings.

Please take some time to do some research and think about the assignment, I will continue to upload other related contents (class ppt.) next week, they can be very helpful.

Here are the links of some supporting readings for this assignment:
* Preparedness Planning:
Kim Severson, “Politicians, Protesters, Police: Charlotte Braces,” New York Times (August 9. 2012) (Links to an external site.)

Eloy Nunez and Ernest G. Vendrell, Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security (CRC Press, 2017).

Managing Large-Scale Security Events: A Planning Primer for Local Law Enforcement Agencies (US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, May 2013) (Links to an external site.)

Donald C. Cooper, ed., The Event Safety Guide: A Guide to Health, Safety, and Welfare at Live Entertainment Events in the United States (Event Safety Alliance, Skyhorse Publishing, 2014).

Eloy Nunez and Ernest G. Vendrell, Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security (CRC Press, 2017).

Robert J. Meyer, “Why We Under-Prepare for Hazards,” in Ronald J. Daniels, Donald F. Kettl, and Howard Kunreuther, eds., On Risk and Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006), pp. 153-173.

Frederick J. Manning and Lewis Goldfrank, eds., Preparing for Terrorism: Tools for Evaluating the Metropolitan Medical Response System Program (National Academy Press, 2002), Chapters 5-6.

Rebecca F. Denlinger, with Kristin Gonzenbach, “‘The Two-Hat Syndrome’: Determining Response Capabilities and Mutual Aid Limitations,” in Juliette N. Kayyem and Robyn L. Pangi, eds., First to Arrive: State and Local Response to Terrorism (MIT Press, 2004), pp. 193-205. Also at to an external site.

Steven A. Zyck and Randolph Kent, “Humanitarian Crises, Emergency Preparedness And Response: The Role Of Business And The Private Sector,” Humanitarian Policy Group (July 2014)

* Responding to Terrorism:
Juliette Kayyem, “Why Keeping Us Safe from Terrorism is So Hard,” CNN (March 22, 2016)

Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, Christine M. Cole, Arnold M. Howitt, and Philip B. Heymann, Why Was Boston Strong? Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombing (Harvard Kennedy School, Program on Crisis Leadership, April 2014). to an external site.

Mumbai terror attacks: Nightmare in the lap of luxury,” The Guardian (November 30, 2008) (Links to an external site.)

Wikipedia (scan for a general overview of the attacks in Paris), “November 2015 Paris Attacks,” (Links to an external site.)

Rory Mulholland and Gordon Rayner, “‘Dante’s Inferno’: Officer Gives Terrifying First Account of Police Assault on Bataclan Attackers,” The Telegraph (November 18, 2015) (Links to an external site.)

Rene Ebersole, “First responders struggle with PTSD caused by the emergencies, deaths, tragedies they face every day,” Washington Post, October 25, 2019. (Links to an external site.)

Stacy Meichtry, Joshua Robinson, and Nick Kostov, “Behind François Hollande’s Snap Decision at Stade de France and the Unfolding Terror in Paris,” The Wall Street Journal (November 15, 2015)

To access this article:

Go to: to an external site.
Type “Factiva” in the “Find Databases” field
Click “View Online” under the “Factiva” search result option
Type “Behind Francois Hollande’s” in the “Free Text Search” field
Click on the search result matching the citation provided in the syllabus
Richard Perez-Pena and Adam Goldman, “‘It Finally Clicked That This Wasn’t an Exercise’: Report Recounts San Bernardino Shooting,” NY Times (September 9, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Lizette Alvarez and Richard Perez-Pena, “Orlando Gunman Attacks Gay Nightclub, Leaving 50 Dead,” NY Times (June 12, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Timothy Williams and Michael Wilson, “Police Account of Decisions Made during Orlando Rampage Contains Crucial Gaps,” NY Times (June 13, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Adam Goldman and Mark Berman, “‘They took too damn long’: Inside the police response to the Orlando shooting,” Washington Post (August 1, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Joseph P. Pfeifer, “International Anti-Terrorism Preparedness,” WNYF to an external site.

Rick Barziel, Frank Straub, George Watson, and Rod Hoops, Bringing Calm to Chaos: A Critical Incident Review of the San Bernardino Public Safety Response to the December 2, 2015, Terrorist Shooting Incident at the Inland Regional Center (September 2016) (Links to an external site.)

* Medical Response to Mass Terrorism:
Atul Gawande, “Why Boston’s Hospitals Were Ready,” The New Yorker (March 17, 2013) (Links to an external site.)

Lake, C. “A Day Like No Other: A Case Study of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting.” (Nevada Hospital Association. 2018), pp. 38-45.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Mass Casualty Trauma Triage: Paradigms and Pitfalls, (July 2019). › aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508 (Links to an external site.)

Boston Public Health Commission, “2013 Boston Marathon Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8) Public Health and Medical Planning, Response, and Recovery Operations (April 15-April 26): Final After Action Report (Links to an external site.)” (2013). (Links to an external site.)

Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Boston Marathon Bombings: Hospital Readiness and Response,” › viewLinks to an external site.

Christopher K. Lake A Day Like No Other: A Case Study of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Nevada Hospital Association (October 19, 2018)

* High Performance in Crisis Response:

Review: Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt, “Acting in Time against Disaster: A Comprehensive Risk Management Framework,” in H. Kunreuther and M. Useem, eds., Learning from Catastrophes: Strategies for Reaction and Response (Wharton School Press, 2010). Available at to an external site.

Case study: David Tannenwald, “Ready in Advance: The City of Tuscaloosa’s Response to the 4.27.11 Tornado” (Kennedy School of Government, 2053.0). Available for purchase at to an external site.

Review: Arnold M. Howitt, Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, and David W. Giles, “Public Health Emergencies: Preparedness and Response,” Public Health Preparedness (APHA Press, 2017), Ch. 1, pp 11-26. APHA-CS-1_Chapter 1.pdf

Arjen Boin and Paul t’Hart, “Organising for Effective Emergency Management,” Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 69, No. 4 (December 2010), 357-371.

Louise K. Comfort, Arjen Boin, and Chris C. Demchak, eds., Designing Resilience: Preparing for Extreme Events ((University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010)say about how to prepare for terrorism. Applying your knowledge to think about how to confront the possibilities of attacks such as the terrorist attack in Boston, Paris, Las Vegas, and other cities.

I will upload specific requirements for this paper in uploaded files. Please read carefully and closely follow the guidelines.

This assignment requires heavy reading and lots of research. I have very strict expectations for the quality of this paper. So if you would take this job, please spend time on it.

I understand that is a lot of work, so I will add extra funds (up to $200) if I am satisfied with the final paper.

I will upload some of the supportive readings that I have, and below are the links for other readings.

Please take some time to do some research and think about the assignment, I will continue to upload other related contents (class ppt.) next week, they can be very helpful.

Here are the links of some supporting readings for this assignment:
* Preparedness Planning:
Kim Severson, “Politicians, Protesters, Police: Charlotte Braces,” New York Times (August 9. 2012) (Links to an external site.)

Eloy Nunez and Ernest G. Vendrell, Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security (CRC Press, 2017).

Managing Large-Scale Security Events: A Planning Primer for Local Law Enforcement Agencies (US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, May 2013) (Links to an external site.)

Donald C. Cooper, ed., The Event Safety Guide: A Guide to Health, Safety, and Welfare at Live Entertainment Events in the United States (Event Safety Alliance, Skyhorse Publishing, 2014).

Eloy Nunez and Ernest G. Vendrell, Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security (CRC Press, 2017).

Robert J. Meyer, “Why We Under-Prepare for Hazards,” in Ronald J. Daniels, Donald F. Kettl, and Howard Kunreuther, eds., On Risk and Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006), pp. 153-173.

Frederick J. Manning and Lewis Goldfrank, eds., Preparing for Terrorism: Tools for Evaluating the Metropolitan Medical Response System Program (National Academy Press, 2002), Chapters 5-6.

Rebecca F. Denlinger, with Kristin Gonzenbach, “‘The Two-Hat Syndrome’: Determining Response Capabilities and Mutual Aid Limitations,” in Juliette N. Kayyem and Robyn L. Pangi, eds., First to Arrive: State and Local Response to Terrorism (MIT Press, 2004), pp. 193-205. Also at to an external site.

Steven A. Zyck and Randolph Kent, “Humanitarian Crises, Emergency Preparedness And Response: The Role Of Business And The Private Sector,” Humanitarian Policy Group (July 2014)

* Responding to Terrorism:
Juliette Kayyem, “Why Keeping Us Safe from Terrorism is So Hard,” CNN (March 22, 2016)

Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, Christine M. Cole, Arnold M. Howitt, and Philip B. Heymann, Why Was Boston Strong? Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombing (Harvard Kennedy School, Program on Crisis Leadership, April 2014). to an external site.

Mumbai terror attacks: Nightmare in the lap of luxury,” The Guardian (November 30, 2008) (Links to an external site.)

Wikipedia (scan for a general overview of the attacks in Paris), “November 2015 Paris Attacks,” (Links to an external site.)

Rory Mulholland and Gordon Rayner, “‘Dante’s Inferno’: Officer Gives Terrifying First Account of Police Assault on Bataclan Attackers,” The Telegraph (November 18, 2015) (Links to an external site.)

Rene Ebersole, “First responders struggle with PTSD caused by the emergencies, deaths, tragedies they face every day,” Washington Post, October 25, 2019. (Links to an external site.)

Stacy Meichtry, Joshua Robinson, and Nick Kostov, “Behind François Hollande’s Snap Decision at Stade de France and the Unfolding Terror in Paris,” The Wall Street Journal (November 15, 2015)

To access this article:

Go to: to an external site.
Type “Factiva” in the “Find Databases” field
Click “View Online” under the “Factiva” search result option
Type “Behind Francois Hollande’s” in the “Free Text Search” field
Click on the search result matching the citation provided in the syllabus
Richard Perez-Pena and Adam Goldman, “‘It Finally Clicked That This Wasn’t an Exercise’: Report Recounts San Bernardino Shooting,” NY Times (September 9, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Lizette Alvarez and Richard Perez-Pena, “Orlando Gunman Attacks Gay Nightclub, Leaving 50 Dead,” NY Times (June 12, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Timothy Williams and Michael Wilson, “Police Account of Decisions Made during Orlando Rampage Contains Crucial Gaps,” NY Times (June 13, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Adam Goldman and Mark Berman, “‘They took too damn long’: Inside the police response to the Orlando shooting,” Washington Post (August 1, 2016) (Links to an external site.)

Joseph P. Pfeifer, “International Anti-Terrorism Preparedness,” WNYF to an external site.

Rick Barziel, Frank Straub, George Watson, and Rod Hoops, Bringing Calm to Chaos: A Critical Incident Review of the San Bernardino Public Safety Response to the December 2, 2015, Terrorist Shooting Incident at the Inland Regional Center (September 2016) (Links to an external site.)

* Medical Response to Mass Terrorism:
Atul Gawande, “Why Boston’s Hospitals Were Ready,” The New Yorker (March 17, 2013) (Links to an external site.)

Lake, C. “A Day Like No Other: A Case Study of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting.” (Nevada Hospital Association. 2018), pp. 38-45.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Mass Casualty Trauma Triage: Paradigms and Pitfalls, (July 2019). › aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508 (Links to an external site.)

Boston Public Health Commission, “2013 Boston Marathon Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8) Public Health and Medical Planning, Response, and Recovery Operations (April 15-April 26): Final After Action Report (Links to an external site.)” (2013). (Links to an external site.)

Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Boston Marathon Bombings: Hospital Readiness and Response,” › viewLinks to an external site.

Christopher K. Lake A Day Like No Other: A Case Study of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Nevada Hospital Association (October 19, 2018)

* High Performance in Crisis Response:

Review: Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt, “Acting in Time against Disaster: A Comprehensive Risk Management Framework,” in H. Kunreuther and M. Useem, eds., Learning from Catastrophes: Strategies for Reaction and Response (Wharton School Press, 2010). Available at to an external site.

Case study: David Tannenwald, “Ready in Advance: The City of Tuscaloosa’s Response to the 4.27.11 Tornado” (Kennedy School of Government, 2053.0). Available for purchase at to an external site.

Review: Arnold M. Howitt, Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, and David W. Giles, “Public Health Emergencies: Preparedness and Response,” Public Health Preparedness (APHA Press, 2017), Ch. 1, pp 11-26. APHA-CS-1_Chapter 1.pdf

Arjen Boin and Paul t’Hart, “Organising for Effective Emergency Management,” Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 69, No. 4 (December 2010), 357-371.

Louise K. Comfort, Arjen Boin, and Chris C. Demchak, eds., Designing Resilience: Preparing for Extreme Events ((University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010)

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